EMD - the best Dressagemusic
Our success in the field of providing the musical accompaniment to equestrian events bases on no less than 40 years of experience in the entertainment business. Our goal is and always has been to create that fine balance between a discreet accompaniment that does not disturb the performers but still has the power to animate spectators.
Our creative arrangements have always been the benchmark for national and international events, especially when it comes to award ceremonies. No matter how large or small, equestrian events always benefit from our show music and in our studios we have an extensive sound library with over 7500 CDs to choose from.
A survey carried out in 2009 revealed that, over a period of twelve months, we reached a direct audience of
Over 1 million spectators with our musical arrangements.
However, where we really come into our own is in the field of musical freestyle or kür music where nobody can match our skills.
We provide the ideal classical or modern musical accompaniment perfectly crafted to suit the horse’s gait, making both horse and rider feel at ease whilst at the same time enabling spectators to follow the different lessons better. Everything is in perfect time. As with freestyle examinations, we are seeing a considerable increase in the number of spectators in the stands and also that individual spectators remain seated for longer. This means that spectators are quieter and less restless, which in turn means competitors face far less distractions when performing – a virtuous circle.
Even if we do say it ourselves, a real highlight of our musical accompaniment that never ceases to amaze people is that our music is scripted to finish at the very moment the rider salutes the judge at C to signify the completion of the test. The musical accompaniment does not merely fade out or end abruptly but instead closes with a proper finale – precisely calculated beforehand. This way we ensure a satisfying climax to every ride and let both horse and rider end their performance perfectly to a warm round of applause.
We are able to provide this level of perfection in scripting freestyle music because of our fine eye for the behaviour of horse and rider, schooled in many years of preparation in our own studios. We currently have more than 250 scripted pieces of music available for this kind of work.
Since 1999 we have been collaborating on the development of a unique radio playout software specially designed for this type of performance. This software is currently being revised by a team of programmers in the UK which, incidentally, also helped to develop the BBC Broadcast Software. This collaboration means that we have further exclusive and professional modules available for providing the perfect music accompaniment.

This professional broadcasting software has been exclusively developed for us with 4 players and quick buttons for all audio formats.
With an unlimited number of different carts that can be assembled beforehand and whose sequence can be changed at any time during playback it is possible to provide successful and varied background music. Having an unlimited number of quick buttons means it is possible to incorporate jingles within seconds. It is also possible to automate sequences and every single action is stored so that it can then be called up again later, making it possible to provide detailed lists for documenting what has actually been broadcast.
We also have a remote control facility for our software alongside the standard START, PAUSE, STOP and LOAD/ EJECT player functions so that we are able to adapt the playback speed of every single title in real time imperceptibly and without altering the pitch, ensuring that every title is precisely the required length.